If you run a sole proprietorship or a single-member LLC taxed as a proprietorship, and your spouse is your only eligible employee, you have a unique opportunity to reduce your tax liability while providing tax-free health insurance benefits. This strategy… Read Now >>
Market volatility can be scary to even the most experienced investor. The stock market has been on a wild roller coaster ride in recent years, though it’s not really anything out of the ordinary when you look at historic trends.… Read Now >>
The economy is very interesting right now. We’re in a period of strong economic recovery coming out of the pandemic. The unemployment rate is only 3.6% and employee wages continue to rise. Consumers are spending a lot. Yet, these factors… Read Now >>
2022 has been a very rough year for the stock market. The S&P 500 closed at an all-time high on the first trading day of the year (January 3). It’s been nothing but bad ever since. The S&P has experienced… Read Now >>
It’s no secret that high inflation rates have been affecting our economy. There are numerous factors at play, including the economic recovery coming out of the pandemic. The stock market has taken major hits. The cost of living is rising… Read Now >>
If you are subject to the federal net investment income tax (NIIT), you could be paying as much as 3.8% more on your income taxes. Rental property owners are often subject to this additional tax, depending on their total income… Read Now >>
Recent tax code changes have made it harder to deduct charitable donations to 501(c)(3) organizations like churches and other nonprofits. You want to support your favorite charities, but it is also important to have the tax benefits that should be… Read Now >>
If you own a business—no matter how big or small—there are important things you need to know when it comes to tax planning and filling. We are all used to the individual tax return process with the April 15 deadline.… Read Now >>
The answer to this question might be slightly different for everyone. It’s a deeply personal concept. For some, the idea of financial independence revolves around living on a yacht in the Mediterranean. For others, it simply means their financial needs… Read Now >>
It’s always nice to get a big income tax refund from the IRS and/or your state’s tax board. The big question is what will you do with this money? A lot of people like to spend it on something frivolous.… Read Now >>
Many people have second homes that they use both for personal use and as short-term rental properties. So, what are the tax implications when a property like this has multiple uses? Residence vs. Rental Under tax code rules, a vacation… Read Now >>